The Governing Board

School governors are responsible for the strategic direction and the financial performance of the school.  They offer support and challenge to the School.  Within this remit, the full Governing Body meets termly.  

The Sub Committees of the Governing Body oversee:  Teaching and Learning (Secular and Kodesh), EYFS, Finance  and Pupil Admissions.


Mrs Patti Adler (Admissions)  Patti has been a parent at Nancy Reuben for 10 years. She holds a degree from Bar Ilan University and Michlala leMinhal in Languages and Marketing and Public Relations.  

Rabbi Danny Baigel (Education) has been a qualified teacher since 2006 and most recently was the Assistant Head: Jewish Life and Learning at Immanuel College.  In September 2022 he began work at LSJS, tasked with managing the Secondary school teacher training programme and developing training opportunities for kodesh teachers.  Both his children attend NRPS.

Mr Jeremy Bokobza (Security and IT)  Jeremy is an NRPS parent and the Co-Founder and CTO of Leaseum.   Jeremy is appointed by the Trustees.

Rabbi Yossi David שליט''א  Rabbi Yossi teaches Gemara to Year 6 and is appointed by the Trustees.

Dr Elizabeth Feigin (Co-Vice Chair)  Liz has 2 children in the school and has been Inclusion, Safeguarding and Early Years Governor for several years.  Liz is appointed by the Trustees.

Mrs Madeline Fraser   (Staff Governor) Morah Madeline  has been teaching at NRPS for many years and is Head of EYFS.  She is appointed by the staff.

Dr Abigail Freudenthal: (Education) Abigail has been a governor on the Teaching and Learning committee since July 2021 .   Professionally, Abigail is Head of Data Science and Analytics at Mumsnet and uses some of her professional skills to assist governors with interpreting assessment data.

Mrs Lina Issac (Property / Site) Lina Isaac is a mother of two children at Nancy Reuben and is a member of Od Yosef Chai. She is also a property lawyer at a City Law firm and has  joined the Board as Property and Site Governor.  She brings her legal knowledge and transferable skills as well as experience as a director of a residential management block.   

Mrs Sharon Kelaty (Chair)  Sharon has worked in the commercial world for over 30 years and runs her own successful businesses in the rug industry and property investment.  Sharon is appointed by the Trustees.

Mr Jonathan Muyal (Finance)  Jonathan has 2 children who attend NRPS and is a qualified chartered accountant.  He works with the Finance Committee assisting with the financial performance of the school.  Jonathan is appointed by the Trustees. 

Mrs Penina Muyal (Co-Vice Chair)  Penina, has 2 children in the school and has worked tirelessly on the PTA and been been very involved in the school for many years.  As Marketing Governor, she drove the 2020 Charidy Campaign.  Penina is appointed by the Trustees.

Mr Simon Renshaw (Finance) Simon has 2 children at the school and his wife has been involved in the PTA for the last few years. Simon is both a chartered accountant and licensed insolvency practitioner.  He has been a treasurer in other registered charities for the last 15 years.

Mr Stephen Rosenthal – (HR / Staffing)  Stephen has a daughter at NRPS and at JFS.  He has a daughter at NRPS.
Stephen is a Partner at Founders Keepers, an executive search company. 

Any correspondence for the Governing Body should be sent to 



Dayan Abraham David שליט''א - Rabbi of the Od Yosef Hai Community and Dayan (Judge) to the Sefardi Bet Din (Ecclesiastical Court).  Dayan David is the Founding Proprietor of the school.  He delegates his day-to-day proprietorial responsibilities to the Governing Body above.

Mr David Reuben - The Reuben Foundation  - 


Our Governing Body attend training and workshops run by  PAJES (Partnership for Jewish Schools).  We also use the services of outside consultants who offer support and advice.   The school is a member of the Independent Schools' Bursars Association (ISBA) and an AGBIS (Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools) Associate School.

Download the AGBIS Guidelines for Governors


The Governing Board

School governors are responsible for the strategic direction and the financial performance of the school.  They offer support and challenge to the School.  Within this remit, the full Governing Body meets termly.  

The Sub Committees of the Governing Body oversee:  Teaching and Learning (Secular and Kodesh), EYFS, Finance  and Pupil Admissions.


Mrs Patti Adler (Admissions)  Patti has been a parent at Nancy Reuben for 10 years. She holds a degree from Bar Ilan University and Michlala leMinhal in Languages and Marketing and Public Relations.  

Rabbi Danny Baigel (Education) has been a qualified teacher since 2006 and most recently was the Assistant Head: Jewish Life and Learning at Immanuel College.  In September 2022 he began work at LSJS, tasked with managing the Secondary school teacher training programme and developing training opportunities for kodesh teachers.  Both his children attend NRPS.

Mr Jeremy Bokobza (Security and IT)  Jeremy is an NRPS parent and the Co-Founder and CTO of Leaseum.   Jeremy is appointed by the Trustees.

Rabbi Yossi David שליט''א  Rabbi Yossi teaches Gemara to Year 6 and is appointed by the Trustees.

Dr Elizabeth Feigin (Co-Vice Chair)  Liz has 2 children in the school and has been Inclusion, Safeguarding and Early Years Governor for several years.  Liz is appointed by the Trustees.

Mrs Madeline Fraser   (Staff Governor) Morah Madeline  has been teaching at NRPS for many years and is Head of EYFS.  She is appointed by the staff.

Dr Abigail Freudenthal: (Education) Abigail has been a governor on the Teaching and Learning committee since July 2021 .   Professionally, Abigail is Head of Data Science and Analytics at Mumsnet and uses some of her professional skills to assist governors with interpreting assessment data.

Mrs Lina Issac (Property / Site) Lina Isaac is a mother of two children at Nancy Reuben and is a member of Od Yosef Chai. She is also a property lawyer at a City Law firm and has  joined the Board as Property and Site Governor.  She brings her legal knowledge and transferable skills as well as experience as a director of a residential management block.   

Mrs Sharon Kelaty (Chair)  Sharon has worked in the commercial world for over 30 years and runs her own successful businesses in the rug industry and property investment.  Sharon is appointed by the Trustees.

Mr Jonathan Muyal (Finance)  Jonathan has 2 children who attend NRPS and is a qualified chartered accountant.  He works with the Finance Committee assisting with the financial performance of the school.  Jonathan is appointed by the Trustees. 

Mrs Penina Muyal (Co-Vice Chair)  Penina, has 2 children in the school and has worked tirelessly on the PTA and been been very involved in the school for many years.  As Marketing Governor, she drove the 2020 Charidy Campaign.  Penina is appointed by the Trustees.

Mr Simon Renshaw (Finance) Simon has 2 children at the school and his wife has been involved in the PTA for the last few years. Simon is both a chartered accountant and licensed insolvency practitioner.  He has been a treasurer in other registered charities for the last 15 years.

Mr Stephen Rosenthal – (HR / Staffing)  Stephen has a daughter at NRPS and at JFS.  He has a daughter at NRPS.
Stephen is a Partner at Founders Keepers, an executive search company. 

Any correspondence for the Governing Body should be sent to 



Dayan Abraham David שליט''א - Rabbi of the Od Yosef Hai Community and Dayan (Judge) to the Sefardi Bet Din (Ecclesiastical Court).  Dayan David is the Founding Proprietor of the school.  He delegates his day-to-day proprietorial responsibilities to the Governing Body above.

Mr David Reuben - The Reuben Foundation  - 


Our Governing Body attend training and workshops run by  PAJES (Partnership for Jewish Schools).  We also use the services of outside consultants who offer support and advice.   The school is a member of the Independent Schools' Bursars Association (ISBA) and an AGBIS (Association of Governing Bodies of Independent Schools) Associate School.

Download the AGBIS Guidelines for Governors
