At Nancy Reuben Primary School, we have a very strong Inclusion Team led by the Inclusion Leader Mrs Daniela Grossman who is a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Mrs Grossman holds the National Award for Special Educational Needs Co-ordination (NASENCo) from the Institute of Education, London.
The in-house team comprises of Higher Level Teaching Assistants (HLTAs) and Teaching Assistants (TAs) and they work very closely with all the class teachers led by Mrs Grossman.
The team provides support to children in class and also small group and 1:1 support outside of the classroom. The provision extends to more able and less able pupils and pupils with any identified additional need.
In addition to our in-house Inclusion team of TAs and HLTAs, we also buy in to a number of external support services which includes Legadel ( some Barnet support and we can also signpost parents to private support services such as Educational Psychology, Occupational therapy and Speech and Language therapy.
In April 2021, we opened a new sensory room available to all pupils across the school supported by the school staff as needed.
Through careful assessment and monitoring of progress, we aim to target the support where it is most needed to children of all abilities. The impact of our intervention work is discussed with parents who support and encourage our work.
To read our Inclusion Policy 2023 click here
The effectiveness of Inclusion Support at Nancy Reuben Primary School
"Pupils, including those who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, also benefit from high-quality individual teaching that meets their needs." -Ofsted October 2017
"Leaders check pupils’ progress well and those falling behind, including pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities, are provided with effective support to ensure that they make good progress." Ofsted October 2017
"Teaching Assistants contribute well to pupils’ progress when they lead small groups or provide individual support to pupils, including for pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities. As a result, these pupils make good progress." Ofsted October 2017
"Because of the high level of care and individual support, pupils who have special educational needs and/or disabilities make good progress." Ofsted October 2017