Assessment of both maths and reading comprehension is termly through the Rising Stars schemes PUMA & PIRA. Both schemes are compatible with lessons taught and ensure that the school can generate standardised scores in these subjects. This helps all staff to accurately track pupil and class progress. Termly progress meetings allow staff and senior leadership to reflect on trends generated by formal and informal assessments and to re-evaluate where extra support and interventions may be needed.
Pupil writing is continually assessed. An initial set of baseline data is taken during the first half-term and entered on to the NRPS Writing Mark book. As a result of this, pupil targets are given and re-evaluated throughout the year. In a similar way, to maths and reading, data is reviewed on a termly basis.
Non-Core Topics are assessed on a half-termly basis and teachers are able to record pupil progress on both a skills and knowledge based curriculum. In Science, both scientific knowledge and the ability to work scientifically is assessed and the results of these are used to ensure that all pupils are being appropriately challenged.
In EYFS, a baseline is done in early autumn and then regular observation takes place and records kept thereafter using Tapestry.
The end of year annual report to parents reflects the outcomes of these assessments and future pupil targets. End of year assessment results also form the basis of transition and handover discussions with next year's teacher.
Data is reviewed by the Deputy Head for Curriculum and Assessment and the Inclusion Leader with ongoing dialogue with teachers and support staff. Pupil progress is also a standing agenda item at our termly Teaching and Learning Sub Committee Meetings of the Governing Body.
At the end of the year, EYFS complete the EYFS Profile. The results are sent to Barnet Local Authority. End of EYFS data is reviewed and a GLD percentage calculated for each child.
The above is in addition to the ongoing daily / weekly marking and observations that all teachers carry out routinely.